Feburary 20, 2023

JiaMing Lake from JieMaoSi


Hiking Plan Book

JiaMing Lake, JieMaoSi

This is the bilingual proposal for hiking to JiaMing Lake from JieMaoSi. The hike is three days in total which means camping in the backcountry for two nights. The proposal includes information on the hiking route, prehike preperations, schedule for individual days, and an itinerary.

Please excuse my broken English as I am no native speaker. Feel free to hit me up on instagram/email for more information.

路徑資訊 Hike Information

The route is the non-traditional approach to JiaMing Lake. The hike has a different entrance JieMaoSi (JMS, 23.227317, 121.007907) and exit point Taitung County Police Bureau.
You could enter and exit both from JMS but you would see a lot less. On the other hand, entering and exiting both from the police bureau would require you to spend the nights in the designated mountain cabins (no-camping allowed) which could be very hard to apply for especially during peak seasons. From JMS to JiaMing Lake is about 12.1 km (7.5 miles) of hike with an altitude gain of about 1300 meters. From JiaMing Lake to the police bureau is about 13 km.

行前準備 PreHike Preperations

There are a few things to iron before heading into the mountain. Make sure you have all things ready for a smooth hike.

  1. Hiking Permit
  2. Ride between Entrance / Exit
  3. GPX Map